Is Jump Rope A HIIT Workout?

HIIT workouts are a popular way to get your cardiovascular training done. They’re an efficient way to get a lot done in a short amount of time, making them a very convenient option for time-conscious gym-goers. Jump rope can make this even more effective, due to how efficiently it burns calories compared to other types of cardio.

To better understand how we can use a jump rope in a HIIT workout, let’s first break down exactly what we mean by “HIIT” workout. “HIIT” stands for high-intensity interval training. This is comprised of short bursts of vigorous effort (usually as close to max effort), separated by breaks of either rest or low intensity. The very high level of intensity, the interval duration, and frequent bursts of effort distinguish it from regular low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardiovascular training because the body significantly recruits anaerobic energy systems instead of the aerobic energy system.


Although there is no specific formula for HIIT workouts, a common formula involves a 2:1 ratio of work to recovery periods. For example, someone may perform 30–40 second intervals of vigorous effort separated by 15–20 seconds of rest or LISS. This can continue for anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, depending on the fitness level of the participant. It’s recommended that a clock or timer is used to keep accurate times, so the intensity of the overall workout is maintained.


Workout 1 involves performing rounds of speed step / running in place at max speed for 30 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Aim for 5-15 rounds (depending on your fitness level). This should take no more than 10 minutes, including time to warm up.

Workout 2 involves performing sets of unbroken double unders for 30 seconds (roughly 50 reps), followed by 15 seconds of regular jumping/boxer steps.

Workout 3 involves performing jump rope burpees (one double under followed by a jump rope push-up) for 45-60 seconds followed by 20-30 seconds of regular jumping/boxer steps.

Want to increase the intensity of the workout? Try a beaded rope or 250g heavy rope instead of a PVC rope.


Can You Jump Rope With Resistance Bands?


How To Do A Double Under?