Can You Jump Rope On An Empty Stomach?

Whether you can jump rope on an empty stomach is more of a general question as to whether you can and should do cardiovascular training fasted or not. Are there any benefits?

In sports science studies, results show that exercising fast doesn’t burn any more calories or help to burn more fat than exercising on a full stomach. The main difference is when the different fuel supplies in our body are utilised. In fasted individuals, the body is more likely to oxidise fat stores during the workout since glucose from food isn’t readily available, whereas the fed individual’s body will more likely depend on available glucose levels in the blood and muscle. However, post-workout the fasted individual’s body will prioritise the food they consume and significantly reduce the oxidation of fat stores, whereas the already-fed individual’s body will oxidise their fat stores as/when glucose stores become depleted. What this means is it’s all swings and roundabouts.

The best solution is the one you find works for you. Some enjoy working out on an empty stomach, some prefer to eat first. If you’re going to eat before, a meal with plenty of carbs will help fuel your body. A combination of simple and complex carbohydrates is ideal. If working out before food, be aware of how potent caffeine and other pre-workout supplements can be on an empty stomach. And either way, always ensure you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.


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